Western Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is a safe and effective way to remedy symptoms and treat health issues. It has many benefits such as improving overall health and general support of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, immune, endocrine, and nervous system. It is also used to remove waste and toxins from bodily cells and to promote natural healing of the skin and body.

Medicinal plants such as flowers, roots, fruits, leaves and bark are prescribed in the form of liquid extracts, infusions, powders, tablets, capsules or external preparations such as lotions, creams and ointments.. Herbs can act on the same biological pathways as pharmaceutical medications and should only be prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner. Many modern pharmaceuticals have been derived from isolated chemicals found in these plants.

Correct prescription of herbs can be co-administered with medication and can significantly reduce side effects. As a naturopath certified in western herbal medicine and clinical nutrition, only trusted practitioner-only brands are used in the Vital Health clinic. These brands are well regulated by the Australian regulatory body, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), ensuring quality control and safety of all herbs and supplements prescribed.